
How does it feel ? When you're on the other side for a change? i always wanted to ask that but never thought i would get an answer. I got one now without having to ask. Situations reversed , you're in my shoes and i'm in yours.

They say revenge can be bitter sweet, i've never agreed, always thought it's sour and just plain ugly. It was never about that. Situations reversed.

I held on to you, when all you did was burn me, kept walking in circles , not wanting to let go. Was always pushed to a corner. Situations reversed.

Now I'm leaving the room, getting stuck in corners is not for me. I'm walking now and i realized I'm happy and sad. Sad to lose you but there's nothing I can do. Happy to know that i'll never be stuck in a corner again.

You were never in my shoes and I was never in yours. The situations never reversed, they just changed.


Lord Bin Sleet said...

good one
I like it

Anonymous said...

I wish i could reverse it, to know what's in ur mind 'n' how would it end like !

i mean about what i've been insisting on n askin' for, would it come true someday ?!

but as u said, situations r never reversed, n u don't know what's in my mind. : )
