
I turned 21 this month, yeah gotta start getting myself those anti-wrinkling creams and other stuff to keep my skin “firm” and young! Some super model (I don’t remember her name) said that women have to take care of their skin in their twenties in order to look “HOT” in their forties. Ah lame. Would you believe that I actually bought that once upon a time ! That going through your twenties is all about that. Superficial? Yes?

Wait ! no I’m not a bimbo. Give me a chance before you start judging and assuming things. Read On !

This year, especially this month was my month of introspection. Life is more than just looking good, pleasing everyone around u, acting right and proper, saying the right things, etc..

I came to know myself a bit better, I’m not saying I know myself now, I think it’s too early for that, I would have to go through so much more to finally know Labwa. But I believe I’m walking down my road of introspection.

I look back at my life with a sense of disbelief,, regret, and gratefulness. Disbelief at actions I took and stuff I might have said that hurt others. Regrets regarding my inability to forgive and forget, my rash judgments on people I have lost because of my own stubbornness. Gratefulness for everything I went through , the good and bad things. I know I wouldn’t be the person I am now if it wasn’t for that.

I have learned to forgive, learned that life is so much more than materialistic things, I have learned to judge myself and look more into the things I do and say more closely.

I have learned that I was and can be in denial and passive (whoa never thought I would say that) ! Steve , thank you for that wake up call. You’re a true friend and I know you’re a person I will never forget.