What You See Is What You Get..umm Really?

I heard this a lot from so many and I might've said it once or twice ( ok ok maybe more).As I was growing up,I used to think that "being real" is the thing, and naive as I was, I thought everyone is like that, you know, "real".
Reality check people!! no one absolutely no one is real. We all hide behind masks to hide emotions like resentment, sadness, depression, even hapiness. It really depends on the situation.

Some hide who they are in fear of rejection. Some masks are thicker, some are thin almost transparent. As you may have noticed, I tend to analyze things maybe a bit too much? ..

Ofcourse this realization didn't just hit me one day, it took time, situations, experiences,,etc to know that people do hide behind masks. The feeling of bitterness that came with this rather slow discovery is now gone.

I have been exposed to different cultures and societies and strongly believed that it was only us that extensively depended on hiding. I was wrong again (yeah, I'm not perfect)..Humans no matter where they're from, their religion, their race etc all hide behind masks.

I guess, it gives a person a sense of security or a sense of comfort. I have yet to analyze the human brain more to really know why we do this. *Puts on her lab coat* Any volunteers or let's say donors? *grins*