If Life Was A Cheesecake

If life was a cheesecake, sweet, soft, a hint of a crunch, and easy to swallow. Wouldn't that be awesome!
That's just wishful thinking, thoughts that enter your mind at desperate times. Life is so many things, it's rich, poor, happy, sad, hopeful , desperate, success, defeat, etc. This goes on and on !
It's up to you to make your life just as sweet as a cheesecake. Think of it this way, the creamy taste is the good things in your life and the "hint" of the crunch is the negative things in your life or obstacles.

I love cheesecakes and I love my life with all the smoothness and obstacles.


Anonymous said...

If life were a cheesecake, I'm afraid we'd all be morbidly obese.

If your life isn't sweet enough already, then you should probably just learn how to take things into your own hands and bake your cheesecake yourself. ;)

Labwa said...

ok fine steve..u can just tell me i have to learn how to cook and stop being a brat lol